Device Information

Device Type:DEVPR
Type Description:Development prototype
Form Factor (FF):Board
Product Page:Open Product page
Hardware Version:BRDSC01-LLE-V2.1
Original Firmware Version:DSC_v0.6.0
Access Point default SSID:coiaca-DSC010000000002
Access Point default Password:coiacaDef


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Available Documentation

TitleLanguageDocument Type
BRDSC01 v2.1 Technical SpecificationENTechnical Specification
BRDSC01 v2.1 Especificación TécnicaESTechnical Specification
BRDSC01 v2.1 User ManualENUser Manual
BRDSC01 v2.1 Manual de UsuarioESUser Manual
Updating the firmware of your BRDSC01ENTutorial
Integrating BRDSC01 to Home AssistantENTutorial

Original firmware information and default parameters

Parameter IDParameter nameDescriptionDefault Value
APTimeAccess Point Time on init (Secs)How long the device will wait for a config connection after trying to connect to configured AP30
mqttServerMQTT serverMQTT server (unsecure)
mqttPortMQTT server port (unsecure)MQTT server port1883
mqttUserNameMQTT userMQTT server username
mqttUserPasswordMQTT passwordMQTT server password
mqttClientIDMQTT Client IDMQTT server ClientIDCoiacaDSC010000000002
accessCodeAccess CodeDSC system code
mqttStatusTopicStatus TopicMQTT topic to publish connection statusDSC010000000002/Status
mqttBirthMessageBirth MessageMQTT birth message payloadonline
mqttLwtMessageLWT MessageMQTT Last Will Testament message payloadoffline
mqttNoDSCDisconnected MessageStatus message when connection to DSC system is lostAlarm Disconnected
mqttActivePartitionTopicActive Partition TopicMQTT topic where active partition is publishedDSC010000000002/activePartition
mqttZoneTopicZone Topic PrefixMQTT topic prefix for zone status messagesDSC010000000002/Zone
mqttFireTopicFire Topic PrefixMQTT topic prefix for fire messagesDSC010000000002/Fire
mqttTroubleTopicTrouble TopicMQTT topic where trouble is publishedDSC010000000002/Trouble
mqttCommandTopicCommands TopicMQTT topic where device listen to commandsDSC010000000002/cmd
mqttKeepAliveTopicKeep Alive TopicMQTT topic where device publish keep alive messagesDSC010000000002/keepAlive
updateIntervalKeep Alive interval (seconds)Keep Alive interval (seconds)" "Interval in seconds between keep alive messages are published30
tiMerStatusTimer ONIf timer feature is enabled: 1 = on, 0=off0
tiMerStringTimer StringText string with timer definitions
publishTimerStringPublish Timer StringWhether to publish the Timer String or not0
ntpServerNTP serverNTP server for date and time
timeZoneTime ZoneTime Zone-3
ntpUpdateIntervalNTP Update interval (seconds)Interval for updating date and time300
timeDSTDSTDaylight saving time: 0=disabled, 1 = enabled0
mqttRetainMQTT RetainMQTT retain value for insecure connection0
mqttQoSMQTT QoSMQTT QoS value for insecure connection0
enableRConfigEnable Remote ManagementRemote Management feature: 1=enabled, 0=disabled1
remoteConfigMqttServerRemote Management MQTT serverRemote Management (secure) MQTT
remoteConfigMqttPortRemote Management MQTT server port (TLS)Remote Management MQTT port8883
remoteConfigMqttClientIDRemote Management MQTT Client IDMQTT clientID for Remote Management connectionCoiacaDSC010000000002RMClient
forceSecureAllTrafficForce all traffic through this secure connectionWhether to force all traffic through the secure Remote Management connection or not1
remoteConfigTopicRemote Management Command TopicMQTT topic where device will listen for Remote Management commandsRMgmt/DSC010000000002
remoteConfigResultTopicRemote Management Result TopicMQTT topic where device will publish Remote Management commands resultsRMgmt/DSC010000000002/results
enableMonitoringEnable MonitoringMonitoring feature: 0=disabled, 1 to 3 = enabled0
monitoringTopicMonitoring Topic PrefixPrefix device will use to create MQTT topics for publishing monitoring informationMNTR/DSC010000000002
remoteConfigRetainRemote Management MQTT RetainMQTT retain value for Remote Management connection0
remoteConfigQoSRemote Management MQTT QoSMQTT QoS value for Remote Management connection0
enableMqttDebugEnable MQTT DebugMQTT debug feature: 1=enabled, 0=disabled0
MqttDebugTopicMQTT Debug TopicMQTT topic where debug information is publishedRMgmt/DSC010000000002/debug
mqttPartitionTopicPartition Topic PrefixMQTT topic prefix for partition status messagesDSC010000000002/Partition