Parameter ID | Parameter name | Description | Default Value |
APTime | Access Point Time on init (Secs) | How long the device will wait for a config connection after trying to connect to configured AP | 30 |
mqttServer | MQTT server | MQTT server (unsecure) | |
mqttPort | MQTT server port (unsecure) | MQTT server port | 1883 |
mqttUserName | MQTT user | MQTT server username | |
mqttUserPassword | MQTT password | MQTT server password | |
mqttClientID | MQTT Client ID | MQTT server ClientID | CoiacaDSC010000000002 |
accessCode | Access Code | DSC system code | |
mqttStatusTopic | Status Topic | MQTT topic to publish connection status | DSC010000000002/Status |
mqttBirthMessage | Birth Message | MQTT birth message payload | online |
mqttLwtMessage | LWT Message | MQTT Last Will Testament message payload | offline |
mqttNoDSC | Disconnected Message | Status message when connection to DSC system is lost | Alarm Disconnected |
mqttActivePartitionTopic | Active Partition Topic | MQTT topic where active partition is published | DSC010000000002/activePartition |
mqttZoneTopic | Zone Topic Prefix | MQTT topic prefix for zone status messages | DSC010000000002/Zone |
mqttFireTopic | Fire Topic Prefix | MQTT topic prefix for fire messages | DSC010000000002/Fire |
mqttTroubleTopic | Trouble Topic | MQTT topic where trouble is published | DSC010000000002/Trouble |
mqttCommandTopic | Commands Topic | MQTT topic where device listen to commands | DSC010000000002/cmd |
mqttKeepAliveTopic | Keep Alive Topic | MQTT topic where device publish keep alive messages | DSC010000000002/keepAlive |
updateInterval | Keep Alive interval (seconds) | Keep Alive interval (seconds)" "Interval in seconds between keep alive messages are published | 30 |
tiMerStatus | Timer ON | If timer feature is enabled: 1 = on, 0=off | 0 |
tiMerString | Timer String | Text string with timer definitions | |
publishTimerString | Publish Timer String | Whether to publish the Timer String or not | 0 |
ntpServer | NTP server | NTP server for date and time retrieve | |
timeZone | Time Zone | Time Zone | -3 |
ntpUpdateInterval | NTP Update interval (seconds) | Interval for updating date and time | 300 |
timeDST | DST | Daylight saving time: 0=disabled, 1 = enabled | 0 |
mqttRetain | MQTT Retain | MQTT retain value for insecure connection | 0 |
mqttQoS | MQTT QoS | MQTT QoS value for insecure connection | 0 |
enableRConfig | Enable Remote Management | Remote Management feature: 1=enabled, 0=disabled | 1 |
remoteConfigMqttServer | Remote Management MQTT server | Remote Management (secure) MQTT server | |
remoteConfigMqttPort | Remote Management MQTT server port (TLS) | Remote Management MQTT port | 8883 |
remoteConfigMqttClientID | Remote Management MQTT Client ID | MQTT clientID for Remote Management connection | CoiacaDSC010000000002RMClient |
forceSecureAllTraffic | Force all traffic through this secure connection | Whether to force all traffic through the secure Remote Management connection or not | 1 |
remoteConfigTopic | Remote Management Command Topic | MQTT topic where device will listen for Remote Management commands | RMgmt/DSC010000000002 |
remoteConfigResultTopic | Remote Management Result Topic | MQTT topic where device will publish Remote Management commands results | RMgmt/DSC010000000002/results |
enableMonitoring | Enable Monitoring | Monitoring feature: 0=disabled, 1 to 3 = enabled | 0 |
monitoringTopic | Monitoring Topic Prefix | Prefix device will use to create MQTT topics for publishing monitoring information | MNTR/DSC010000000002 |
remoteConfigRetain | Remote Management MQTT Retain | MQTT retain value for Remote Management connection | 0 |
remoteConfigQoS | Remote Management MQTT QoS | MQTT QoS value for Remote Management connection | 0 |
enableMqttDebug | Enable MQTT Debug | MQTT debug feature: 1=enabled, 0=disabled | 0 |
MqttDebugTopic | MQTT Debug Topic | MQTT topic where debug information is published | RMgmt/DSC010000000002/debug |
mqttPartitionTopic | Partition Topic Prefix | MQTT topic prefix for partition status messages | DSC010000000002/Partition |